December 1, 2010


                                                             day I
                                                        through a local
                                                    rag's classifieds jobs.
                                                 To my utter delight I saw
                                               "earn $1000 dollars a month
                                             from home." My honest nature did
                                          not detect a bogus offer.  I sent the $30
                                      in to the "main office"' to receive my beginner's
                                  package.  I looked for it in the mail with a naive glee
                               and it arrived seven days later.  I opened it, and read the
                            responsibilities of my new "job".  You motherfuckers suckered
                        me into thinking I might actually work for a living.  You're dogs that
                    should be put down for good.  I see you now, I know your trick.  Bite me.


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